Tuesday, 6 April 2010

The Benefits of CCTV Security

As a business owner or manager, you are well aware of the security challenges that you face. Theft, both internal and external, can devastate a business. A good security CCTV camera system can help keep your operating costs low by keeping theft to a minimum.

If petty shoplifters see that your business has a full CCTV system, they will most likely decide that trying to rob your store is not worth the risk. In addition to being a good deterrent, CCTV systems can also be useful when it comes to prosecuting theft. Your video evidence of the perpetrators' crime will be valuable when you go to trial. When you install a CCTV system, you let criminals know that you take shoplifting seriously.

Although you want to prevent external theft, internal theft is usually the biggest threat to a business. This is particularly true if you run a retail store. Some managers try to prevent internal theft by implementing security measures such as personal searches. Other retail stores require employees to use clear bags to carry their personal belongings in and out of the store. These security measures usually irritate a business' honest employees and do little to prevent internal theft. If you do not have a security CCTV camera, your employees will simply look for ways to circumvent your security measures and steal your merchandise.

Simply knowing that you have CCTV security installed can help your employees stay honest. It is best to tell your employees that they are monitored by cameras. Of course, you do not need to tell them the exact position of the security cameras. It is far better for them to be unsure exactly where in the store they are being monitored.

Installing a CCTV system is not enough. You need to make sure that your cameras are installed strategically. Make sure that you can capture a video record of all financial transactions. You should also monitor locations where employees are most likely to try to steal merchandise. This includes any store room. Installing a camera that overlooks your store's dumpster is also a good idea. One common shoplifting technique is for a employee to throw items into the garbage. These dishonest employees later retrieve these items from the dumpster.

The costs of a security CCTV camera system vary. For a simple system, you will probably pay at least five hundred dollars. More elaborate systems will cost you more. If you choose to have your cameras monitored by an external service, you will need to pay a monthly fee.